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About my PhD Thesis

Thesis Title: Multirate Filter Bank, Wavelets: New Results and Applications
Supervisor: Dr. A. A. Ghatol, Ex Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, MS, India.

Date of Submission: 12/06/2008

Date of Notification: 05/11/2009

Multimedia data including graphics & audio requires large memory space, more transmission bandwidth & large channel capacity for their transmission. In an uncompressed form, these images require huge memory storage and very large bandwidth for their transmission It has been estimated that over 80 billion new digital images are produced yearly. Despite rapid progress in mass-storage density, processor speeds, and digital communication system performance, demand for data storage capacity and data-transmission bandwidth continues to outstrip the capabilities of available technologies. The recent growth of data intensive multimedia- based web applications have not only sustained the need for more efficient ways to encode signals and images but have made compression of such signals central to storage and communication technology.

This thesis covers the methodology, which includes study and implementation of the wavelet image compression methods to code and compress the image data to reduce the storage space, channel bandwidth, and improves the transmission rate.

Research: Welcome


1. Filed a Provisional patent titled, ‘Lung Cancer Diagnosis using CT scan images’. Patent Number:L-80106/2019, dated 16/01/2019.

2. Filed a patent with complete specifications on ‘Design of Robust 2x2 Multi Input Multi Output Antenna Based on Cooperative Diversity’.  

Patent Number: 201821035593. Date 21/09/2018.

3. Filed a patent with complete specifications on ‘IoT Based Real-Time Remote Patient Monitoring System’. Patent Number: 201821036724,  

Date: 28/09/2018

Research: Welcome

Copyrights Registered

1. An Improved Vertical Handoff for Seamless Mobility in Next Generation Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, with registration L-87479/2019 dated 21/08/2019.

2. An Improved Modulation Technique for Performance Enhancement of Multilevel Inverter in Renewable Energy, with registration L-87129/2019, dated 02/09/2019.

3. Registered Copyright for Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Manual: ROC Number: -L-75953/2018 Dated 12/06/2018.

4. Registered Copyright for ‘Lung Cancer Diagnosis using CT scan Image: ROC Number: L- 80106/2019, dated 16/01/2019.

Research: Welcome
Research: Welcome


Book/Book Chapter:

1. Mrs Swati P Jagtap, Nilkanth B Chopade, “A Comprehensive Investigation about Video Synopsis Methodology and Research Challenges”, in Springer book series Inventive Computation and Information Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 173. Springer, Singapore. pp 911-923.

2. Ms Pranoti Joshi, Dr N B Chopade, “Model Based Design approach for software verification using Hardware in Loop Simulation”, Book Chapter of Intelligent Computing , Information and Communication part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series Vol. 673, Springer, Singapore: ISBN:978-981-10-7244-4, ISBN:978-981-10-7245-1 (e Book), Print ISSN 2194-5357 , ISSN 2194-5365 (Electronic): Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

3. Mr P P Ghadekar, Dr N B Chopade, “Modelling nonlinear Dynamic Textures using Hybrid DWT- DCT kernel PCA with GPU”, Book Chapter of Progress in Advance Computing and Intelligent Engineering part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series Vol. 563, Springer, Singapore: Print ISBN 978-981-10-6871-3. , Online ISBN: 978-981-10-6872-0: Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

Research: Bio

International Journal Papers

1. Vaishali W Sonone, Dr N B Chopade, “Mutual Coupling Reduction between Closely Spaced Patch Antenna Using modified Triangular 2x2MIMO Stub”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,ISSN 2349-5162, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019, pp 21-27.

2. Sagar S Bachhav, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade, “IoT Based Patient Monitoring Syatem: Review of Research: An International multidisciplinary peer reviewed and referred Journal (UGC Approved), Vol 7, Issue 4, pp 1-6, Jan 2018, ISSN 2249-894X, (, Paper ID 4191)

3. Nishika Lala, Preeti Pawar, Sumeet Phatak, Manish Adhav, Dr N B Chopade, “Electronic Upgradation of RCB Machine with PLC Controls, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Vol. 04, Issue 04, April 2017 pp 2193-2197, eISSN:2395-0056, pISSN:2395-0072,

4. Ms. Priyanka Bhise, Dr N B Chopade, “A survey paper on FMCW Radar Implementation using FPGA”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), ISSN (online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, Vol 06, Issue 03, March 2017, pp 4977 – 4984,

5. Dipali Pathak , Dr N B Chopade and Mr Vishal Halale, ‘Automated Tool for Calibration Features Checking Engine Platform’, in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 4 Issue: 6, 2016 PP 474 – 476. June 2016, available @

6. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade “Modelling Nonlinear Dynamic Textures using DWT, DCT, and kernel PCA with GPU”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Series:B , ISSN 2250-2106 ,DOI 10.1007/s40031-016-0220-1, December 2016, Vol.97, Issue 4, pp 549-555.

7. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade “Content Based Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis Based on SPIHT with GPU”, Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS), Korea, (ISSN: 1976-913X (Print), ISSN: 2092-805X, Vol 12, No 1, March 2016, pp 46-56.

8. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Mr Nilesh A Parmar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade, “Dynamic Texture Coding using Modified Haar Wavelet with CUDA Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.56-60

9. Jayesh S. Sonkusare ,N.B.Chopade, “Vision-Based Hand Gesture Recognition System” in International Journal of Computer Application, ISSN: 2250-1797, Vol.2,No. 5, January 2015 pp 790-794. 

10. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr N B Chopade,“Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis Model”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJRTET), June 2014 Vol. No 11, PP 475-483.

11. Mr V.N. Supe, Mr V.P.Waghmare, Dr N.B.Chopade, “Fuel Efficient Two Wheelers using Micro-Hybrid Technology and Smart Embedded System”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 2, Issue 2 (March-April 2014), PP. 42-47

12. Ms Vaishali W. Sonone, Dr.N.B.Chopade,” Techniques for Improving BER and SNR in MIMO Antenna for Optimum Performance”, SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) , ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Vol.1 No.1Feb 2014, pp 05-08.

13. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade ,“Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis by Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Different color coding”, Proc of International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Computer Networks – Com Net 2013, during 8 th -9 th Nov, 2013, Hyderabad, India. (Selected for publication in journal of IET)

14. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade “Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Synthesis Models,” International Journal for Technical Research and Development (IJARTD), Vol.1, Issue 1, Jan2012, pp 47-50.

15. Mr Premanand P Ghadekar, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade “Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Synthesis Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Y Cb Cr Color Coding,”International Journal of Computer Science and Management (IJCSM), Vol.3, No 1, June2011, pp 47-53.

16. Mr Amit N Dolas, Dr Nilkanth B Chopade “Reduced Bit-rate & Delay Free G.726 Speech Codec Based on Voice Segmentation with Pre-Filtering and Post-Filtering,” International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IJCEIT), Vol.10 (2010), pp. 16-20.

17. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol “Discrete wavelet transform based efficient rate scalable technique for image compression,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications (IJERIA), Vol.1, No. IV, July 2008, pp.213-224.

18. Mr M T Kolte, Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol “Confusion matrix and information transmission analysis using MATLAB for evaluation of speech analysis,” International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA), Vol.2, No. III, (2008), pp.243-250.

Research: Bio

National Journal Papers

1. Ms Prajakta V Kasab, Dr N B Chopade, “Throttle Position Sensor for Angular Movement in Automobiles”, Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol 7, No 2, Jan –June 2019, pp 36-40.

2. Mrs V W Sonone, Dr N B Chopade, “ Design of a Compact Tapered Triangular Single and MIMO Antenna with Polarization Diversity for Wideband Applications”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ISSN: 2278-8735, Vol 13, Issue 03, Ver III May-June 2018 pp 33-39.

3. Mrs V W Sonone, Dr N B Chopade, Dr A N Gaikwad, “ Enhancement of Transmission Reliability in Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) Antenna System for Improved Performance”, Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications. ISSN 0973-6972 Volume 10, Number 4 (2017), pp. 593-601 © Research India Publications,

4. Dr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “Performance Analysis of ECG data Compression Techniques Using Wavelet Transform,” CIT Journal of Research, Vol.1, No.1, May 2010, pp.53- 61.

5. Mr D D Navgaje, Dr R D Kanphade, Dr N B Chopade, “White Blood Cell Cancer Detection Using Fuzzy Logic,” CIT Journal of Research, Vol.1, No.1, May 2010, pp.174- 182.

6. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “SPIHT: Highly efficient technique for image transmission and coding,” The Journal of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE Technical Review), New Delhi, Vol.25, No 3, May-June 2008, pp135-141.

7. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “Analysis of Discrete Wavelet based Image Compression Technique: A Review,” The Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), NISCAIR, New Delhi, Vol.68, November 2009, pp 915-919.

8. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “Wavelet based efficient method for coding and compression of medical image stack for storage and retention”, The Journal of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, June 2008, pp 27-31.

Research: Bio

International Conference Papers

1. Akshada Bhosale, Ganesh R Rahate, Nilkanth B Chopade, “PHY Layer Design for MIH in GNU Radio”, Springer Conference Proceedings in 4 th International Conference on Micro Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE 2020), 26-27 Sept 2020.
2. Mrs Swati P Jagtap, Nilkanth B Chopade, “A Comprehensive Investigation about Video Synopsis Methodology & Research challenges”, Springer Conference proceedings in 2 nd International Conference on Inventive Computations & Information Technologies ( ICICT-2020) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbtore, India , 24-25 Sept 2020
3. G.R.Rahate and N.B.Chopade presented a paper on “Vertical Handoff Solution on Software Defined Radios for Next Generation Wireless Networks” Proceedings of IEEE 1st International Conference on Innovative Trends & Advances in Engineering & Technology (ICITAET-2019), Shegoan, India, 27th and 28th December 2019,233-238. (DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019)
4. A.R. Suryawanshi and Nilkanth. B. Chopade presented a paper on “Multilevel Inverter Topologies and Modulation Techniques for Grid Connection of Renewable Energy Source,” proceedings of IEEE 1st International Conference on Innovative Trends & Advances in Engineering & Technology (ICITAET- 2019), Shegoan, India, 27th and 28th December 2019 pp 227-232. (DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019)                                                                    5. V W Sonone, N B Chopade, A N Gaikwad, “Reduction in Mutual Coupling Using Modified Triangular 2×2 MIMO with Stub”, proceedings of IEEE 1st International Conference on Innovative Trends & Advances in Engineering & Technology (ICITAET-2019), Shegoan, India, 27th and 28th December 2019 pp 184-187. (DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019)
6. Prajakta V Kasab, Dr N B Chopade, “Implementation of throttle position Sensor for angular movement in Automobiles”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA 2019), Pune, India 19-21 Sept 2019 (Best Paper award).
7. Sagar Bachhav, Dr N B Chopade, “IoT Based Real Time Patient Monitoring System”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, (ICRIEECE), at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, during 27- 28 July ,2018.
8. Pranoti Joshi, Dr N B Chopade, “ Liquid Level Sensing and Control Using Inductive Pressure Sensor”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA 2017), 978-1-5386-4008-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE ,Pune, India 17-18 August 2017.
9. Priyanka Bhise, Dr N B Chopade, “ Implementation of FMCW RADAR using FPGA”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA 2017), 978-1-5386-4008-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, Pune, India 17-18 August 2017.
10. Pranoti Joshi, Dr N B Chopade, “Model Based Design Approach for Software Verification using Hardware in Loop Simulation”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, ( ICICC 2017), during 2-4 August 2017, Proceedings will be published by Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (AISC), Springer and indexed by ISI Proceedings, Ei – Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink (
11. Mr P P Ghadekar, Dr N B Chopade, “ Higher Order Nonlinear Analysis with core Tensor and Framewise approach for Dynamic Texture Synthesis, “Proceedings of 1 st International Conference Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACCIE 2016) at C V Raman College of Engineering Bhubneshwar, Odisha on 21 st -23 Deccember 2016, published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer, ISSN 2194-5357,

12. Rahate G.R. and Chopade N.B  “Scenario Based Performance Analysis of MIH for Heterogeneous Wide Area Wireless Networks”, International conference on Signal processing, Computing and Networking (SPCN) organized by G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune held between 17th – 18th February, 2017. 

13. Prajwal G. Awade, Dr. Nilkanth Chopade and Ramakrishna Bodhula, “Implementation of Barrel Distortion Correction on DSP in Real Time,” in 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control & Automation (ICUBEA 2016), Pune, India, 12-13 August 2016, Pages: 1 -  6, DOI: 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2016.7860047, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-3291-4,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-3292-1,

14. Premanand P Ghadekar; Hanan Ali Alrikabi; Nilkanth B Chopade, “Efficient face and facial express on recognition model”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA 2016), Pune, India 12-13 August 2016 p p 1 - 8,  DOI: 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2016.7860053, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-3291-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-3292-1,

15. Mr P P Ghadekar , Mr Nilesh A Parmar, Dr N B Chopade, “ Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis using different types of KPCA”, International conference on Information Processing 2015 (ICPC 2015), at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune on Dec 18-19,2015. ISBN:978-1-4673- 7758-4/15, pp 739-744,

16. Mr Jayesh S. Sonkusare, Dr. N. B. Chopade, Mr Ravindra Sor, Prof. S. L. Tade, “A Review on Hand Gesture Recognition System”, proceedings of First International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control & Automation (ICCUBEA-2015), 26 – 27 Feb 2015.ISBN: 978-1-4799-6892- 3/15, pp 790-794,

17. Mr Jayesh S. Sonkusare , N.B.Chopade , Ravindra Sor, “Vision-Based Hand gesture Recognition System” International conference on emerging trend and research in engineering, science and management Pune, March 2015,

18. Ajay K Talele, Suraj G Patil, Dr N B Chopade, “ A Survey on Data Routing and Aggregation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of International Conference on Pervasive Computing ICPC 2015 sponsored by IEEE pune section at Sinhgad College of Engineering, Wadgaon, Pune on 08th 10th January 2015. ISBN:. 978-1-4799-6272-3/15, pp 673-676., DOI: 10.1109/PERVASIVE.2015.7087155

19. Ms Ashwini D Mane, Jaywant S Jagtap, Dr N B Chopade, “Wavelet Transform based Image Compression and Coding using SPIHT”, Proceedings of International Conference Technovision 2014 on Electronics and Telecommunication, Electrical and Computer engineering, April 05-06, 2014 2014. 
20. Ms Ashwini D Mane, Jaywant S Jagtap, Dr N B Chopade, “ A Survey of Hybrid Wavelet Transform based Image Compression and Coding using SPIHT”, Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Technology ( ICST-2K14), S B Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune on February 21- 22, 2014.

21. Mr P P Ghadekar , Dr N B Chopade “Nonlinear Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis by using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Different Color Coding”, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology (CIIT 2013), on 08 th -09 th Nov,2013, Hyderabad, India, Pages: 467 - 473,DOI: 10.1049/cp.2013.2630

22. Mr Amit N Dolas, Dr N B Chopade, “Efficient Implementation of G.726 Speech Codec Using MATLAB Simulink for Telephony,” International conference on Computational intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2010), at Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nasik , 4 th – 6 th March 2010, pp 78- 82.

23. Mr Amit N Dolas, Dr N B Chopade, “Reduced Bit-rate & Delay Free G.726 Speech Codec Based on Voice Segmentation with Pre-Filtering and Post-Filtering,” The 1 st International conference on Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Information Technology (RTSCIT 2009), at CIST, Bhopal 9 th -10 th January 2010, pp 287- 291.

24. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol “Analysis of ECG data Compression Techniques using Wavelet Transform,” The 2 nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Mechatronic Engineering (CIM 2009), at MELAKA, Malaysia 2 nd –3 rd June 2009, (Received paper publication grant from AICTE and DST, New Delhi)

25. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol “An efficient rate scalable technique for image coding and transmission,” Proc. IEEE Region 10 sponsored, the 4 th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA2008), at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 th – 9 th March 2008 pp 297-300.

26. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol “Efficient image compression and transmission using SPECK,” Proc. IEEE (Bombay) section sponsored, SPIT- IEEE Colloquium and International Conference (SPIT-IEEE Colloquium 2007), SPIT Andheri (W), Mumbai, India, 4 th –5 th February 2008, pp 156-160.

27. Mr A S Hiwale, Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “Performance analysis of space time block coded MIMO system with antenna selection”, Proc. International Conference on Microwaves & Optoelectronics (ICMO-2007), at Dr. Babsaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India, 17 th –20 th December 2007, pp 559-567.

28. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “An efficient technique for image transmission and coding,” Proc. IEEE (Bombay) section sponsored, International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control and Instrumentation (SSPCCIN-2008), V I T, Pune, India, 3 rd –5 th January2008, pp 212-216.

29. Mr M T Kolte, Mr N B Chopade, Dr D S Chaudhari, “MATLAB: Graphical user interface based time scale modification for hearing impaired,” Proc. IEEE (Bombay) section sponsored, International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control and Instrumentation (SSPCCIN- 2008), VIT, Pune, India, 3 rd –5 th January 2008, pp 338-341.

30. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol, “SPIHT: An efficient technique for still image coding and transmission,” Proc. International Conference Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICETAETS-2008), AEC Sangali and Department of Computer Science, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India, 13 th –14 th January 2008, pp 18-21.

31. Mr N B Chopade, Dr A A Ghatol , “An efficient rate scalable technique for image coding and transmission”, Proc. IEEE (Delhi) section sponsored, International Conference on Recent Applications of soft Computing in Engineering & Technology (RASIET-07) at Institute of Engineering & Technology, ALWAR, India, 22 nd –23 rd December 2007, pp 206-212.

32. Mr M T Kolte, Mr N B Chopade, Mr Farook Kazi, “A review of binaural speech enhancement using neural networks ” Proc. Asian Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks (AISN-2006), Center for Advanced Technology, Haryana Engineering College, Jagdhari, Yamuna Nagar, India, 24 th –25 th February 2006.

Research: Bio
Research: Bio

Research Projects (Ongoing)

  1. Conservation of Ancient Buildings of Cultural Heritage using IOT Based Remote Monitoring System/Network

  2. Multi-criteria Decision Making Based Optimized Multi-Cluster Head Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network.

  3. Intent and Activity Analysis in Video Surveillance for Security

  4. Design of Robust Multi input Multi output Antenna based on Cooperative Diversity

  5. Collision Avoidance System in Automobiles for Vulnerable Road Users

  6. Security Threat Prevention of Malicious Attacks on Vehicular Networks

  7. Retrieval Framework Based Video Synopsis for Surveillance Applications.

Research: Bio

Refree for Ph D Thesis

1. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Reconstruction of High Resolution Image using Low resolution Color Images(s) for Quality Improvement’, submitted by Mr Devidas Dnyaneshwar Dighe in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. March 2021.
2. Invited and conducted final Open Defence for the Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Design and Development of Multisensory Smart Assistive Technology for Blind Persons’, submitted by Mrs Pooja Ratan Rathi in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. 19/12/2020.
3. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Design and Development of Multisensory Smart Assistive Technology for Blind Persons’, submitted by Mrs Pooja Ratan Rathi in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Oct 2020.
4. Invited & Conducted for final Open Defence for Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Design & Implementation of New Technique for optimization of Multiple Value Logic Circuit and Their Application’, submitted by Mr Prashant S Wankhade in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, 04/01/2020.
5. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled,‘VLSI Implementation of High Performance Decoder Architectures for Low Density Parity Check Codes)’, submitted by Mr Sandip M Kakade in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, March 2020.
6. Invited & Conducted for Open Defence for the Ph D Thesis entitled,‘Design of FPGA Based Power Efficient Wireless Communication System Using Multirate Sampling un Software Defined Radio(SDR)’, submitted by ‘Mr Rajendra V Babar in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, 23/12/2019.
7. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Design of FPGA Based Power Efficient Wireless Communication System Using Multirate Sampling un Software Defined Radio(SDR)’, submitted by ‘Mr Rajendra V Babar in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, October 2019.
8. Invited and conducted final Open Defence for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ Soil Nutrients Analysis and its Prediction Model Based on Remotely Sensed Satellite Images’, submitted by Mr Viraj Gulhane in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Oct 2019.
9. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ Soil Nutrients Analysis and its Prediction Model Based on Remotely Sensed Satellite Images’, submitted by Mr Viraj Gulhane in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Sept 2019.
10. Invited and conducted final Open Defence for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ FPGA Based Adaptive Scheduler for Real Time System’, submitted by Mr Pravin S Chaudhary in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. On 16/08/2019.

11. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ FPGA Based Adaptive Scheduler for Real Time System’, submitted by Mr Pravin S Chaudhary in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. April 2019.
12. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled, ‘Design & Implementation of New Technique for optimization of Multiple Value Logic Circuit and Their Application’, submitted by Mr Prashant S Wankhade in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, April 2019.
13. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ Analysis , Comparison, & Development of Advanced Protocol for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network’, submitted by Mrs. Jaya Manoj Bhattad in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, April 2019.
14. Referee for Ph D Thesis entitled , “Development of an Algorithm for Designing a Low Power , Low Cost Embedded System for Biomedical Application” by Mr Nitin Sudhakar Ambatkar on 21/07/2018 at Ph D Cell, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Universty, Nagpur                                  15. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled , ‘ Design & Development of Intelligent Decision Support System for Thyroid Diseases’, submitted by Ms Vrushli Mendre in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Universty, Nagpur                                                                                                                                                            16. Invited & Conducted final open defence for the Ph D Thesis entitled, “Performance Optimization of an Antenna for Cognitive Radio in Asian Continent”, by Mr Milind Narlawar on 04/05/2017 at Ph D Cell, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Universty, Nagpur                                                               17. Referee for the Ph D Thesis entitled, “Performance Optimization of an Antenna for Cognitive Radio in Asian Continent”, by Mr Milind Narlawar on 04/05/2017 at Ph D Cell, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Universty, Nagpur                                                                                                                                         18. Chairman and VC Nominee for Ph D ( Electronics Engineering) Pre submission Presentation of Mrs Anita K Patil at North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 06/07/2015.

Research: Bio
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